
Showing posts from February, 2022

Motivation will kill your dreams!!

If your anything like me, at some point in your life, you might of thought that Motivation would keep you going! I had to laugh at that one myself. It’s definitely not the motivation that keeps you focused and discipline when your on your journey to a healthier, happier you.  It’s YOU!! Your mindset, Your eagerness, your ability to see things through when it gets hard! It’s your ambition that drives you because you know exactly what you’re made of! The motivation gets you started but it’s never the key that keeps you going!  Simple key steps when motivation is no longer a factor:  Never give up! No matter how hard or difficult it gets Plan! Write it down! If it’s written, it will get accomplished  Execute! Take action!  Remember it’s You verses You!! #rockndropfitness #focused #discipline #dontgiveup

Make You a Priority!

I knew I had it in me to become the woman I always wanted to become! My journey hasn’t been easy but it’s definitely been worth it! Learning who you are takes time, takes growth & takes patience.  When you decide to take care of you, you may feel overwhelmed or unsure of how this journey will go. All you can truly do is keep going! That’s right no matter how many times you fail forward or just get plain out tired. You must keep pushing forward.  Strength & Growth is a part of your DNA. When you stop being distracted by the noice in the world you can start to focus on what’s  important which is YOU!! Your life & your health matters. Take time and reflect on what it is you want to accomplish this year. It won’t be easy but it will be a journey of a lifetime. Stop making excuses because you’ve done that far too many times. Now is the time to start to focus on You!  Connect with me at Website: Instagram: Fac...