This Is Your Fight!

I couldn't believe how I was feeling towards the end of last month, now how I was feeling didn't just happen. over time, my body gave me signs that it was not happy with the way I had been treating it. However you know how the story goes, I choose to ignore the signs, and keep right on doing what I wanted to do. Well my body said enough was enough. Let me tell you how it all started. As you know I have been eating my greens, creating these colorful meals and trying my best to stay with my healthy habits, well I can truly say, that I did my best, I ate in abundance of fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, smoothies, now that was the great part, however. I had allowed old habits to kick back in especially when I started to get stressed. When I get stressed all I want to do is binge eat any and everything especially if its sweet, chocolate is my downfall and I am one to tell you, chocolate is like my secret lover lol. I would eat the chocolate and in that moment I would be happy...