This Is Your Fight!

I couldn't believe how I was feeling towards the end of last month, now how I was feeling didn't just happen. over time, my body gave me signs that it was not happy with the way I had been treating it. However you know how the story goes, I choose to ignore the signs, and keep right on doing what I wanted to do. Well my body said enough was enough. Let me tell you how it all started. As you know I have been eating my greens, creating these colorful meals and trying my best to stay with my healthy habits, well I can truly say, that I did my best, I ate in abundance of fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, smoothies, now that was the great part, however. I had allowed old habits to kick back in especially when I started to get stressed.

When I get stressed all I want to do is binge eat any and everything especially if its sweet, chocolate is my downfall and I am one to tell you, chocolate is like my secret lover lol. I would eat the chocolate and in that moment I would be happy, or eat the ice cream and be happy, or eat a doughnut and be happy or eat Pringles and be happy, or a cookie, if it was sugary and sweet or salty I would eat it when I would stress and be happy. Then guess what? After my moment was over I would feel guilty and say, tomorrow, no matter how stressed you get or if you feel stress coming on, don't go for the snacks, well that didn't work. I stressed out and ate till I was happy and content.

My body said enough, I started to confuse it with healthy foods and then give it processed crap. it was really on an emotional roller coaster. I had to find my way back. My skin was suffering and my weight was picking back up. I knew I couldn't keep this shenanigans up at all. So I took a step back and confessed to my husband what I was doing and cried. Once it was off my chest, he gave me the best advice ever, he said baby, you are not perfect and even though you feel like you have to keep this perfect lifestyle up for those who you mentor, its ok to be real, its ok to be stressed, but its not ok, to be hard on yourself, its not ok to beat yourself up about the things that are normal and happen to many people and it is defitnitley not ok to quit on yourself.

When he gave me that advice I was relieved, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I took a step back and started to refocus on me. I realized that stress happens to us all, but how we deal with it is a whole can of worms. I went back to loving me,  I recommitted myself to my journey of healthy living and now when I get stresses I don't go buy chocolate or any other unhealthy snack, I write in my journal about ways to help me deal with stressful situations. As a Health Coach Stress happens to me too but I refuse to become a slave to a stressful life. There are so many ways you can deal with stress. Here are a few ways that you can take control over whatever seems to stress you at times.

1. Write in a journal

2. Take a nice hot bubble bath with Lavender oil

3. Read a Book

5. Light a Scented candle

6.Talk about what is stressing you with a loved one.

7. Go for a Walk or a Run

8.Meditate or Reflect on how to handle that situation going forward

9.Keep Negativity out of Your Circle

10.Take Control- Remember you are in control of You!


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