You Can’t Heal in the same Environment that keeps you Sick!
I am a true believer that you can’t heal in the same environment that got you sick, So many times you have fought the battle of you verses you instead of you for you. Yes there is a big difference in the two. I have come to believe that it doesn’t matter how many times you try to become the best version of yourself, there will always be people, places or things that try their best to keep you stuck.Triggers that arise that hinder your greatness. There is a small part of you that in turn sometimes feel like if you could just be better, if you just keep going, if you just step out on faith or just for once stayed focus on the thing you said you were going to do, then your world be just be so different.

The thing with this type of thinking is that it helps you think of all the possibilities your life could unfold into becoming, The problem is you believe in yourself to a certain extent. Not to much that it brings you out of the comfort zone that you are so use to living, or being around the same people that you grew up with or went to school with, because God forbid you outshine or outgrow them. I truly believe that you are capable of so many amazing things for your life that you must be the one to see it through fully. There is nothing wrong with hangin out with the people you grew up with, or the people you went to school with except for one thing. If they are complacent or content and don’t see their lives becoming this great phenomenon then why and how could they ever push you to see anything of greatness for yourself.
I grew up in a time where the sky was the limit. You could achieve so many great things and live a fulfilling life on purpose , all because you chose a different path from others. You see the environment that got you sick will not be the same environment that heals you. Let’s take for example: Let’s say hypothetically you have been wanting to move overseas for a long time. When you were in school, you would just daydream about this adventure for yourself, but when you spoke with you classmates, or friends or even your parents, they would always encourage you to stop day dreaming and get with the real world of going to work, getting a career and living that life. That life isn’t the life you envisioned for yourself, You see yourself moved overseas pursuing your artistry in creating exotic statues that catch so many people eyes, but for some reason you never pursue it. You never open the bag of creativity to see if at all possible you can achieve the unthinkable, the unbelievable all because you are steadily pursing what someone else has envisioned for you.
That kind of life never prevails. You will always wonder, you will always have the what if ‘s or the could haves. That is not the road to your exceptional life, That is not the road that leads you to fulfillment. Stop living your life on other people terms, on the basis of what they believe you should be living. That is a sick environment and one that many never walk away or heal from. Seeing what your future hold for you isn’t a bad thing or something to be ashamed of. It is the most loved position you can create for yourself. You can’t keep living on other people terms, it doesn’t matter who it is. Sometimes it isn’t about what others see in you. It’s about you believing in you with every fiber of your being. What you see for you and your life!
Here is what I want you to do, Take out a piece of paper and on one side write out all the things you wanted and looked forward to achieving for yourselff in this lifetime, then on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons of why you never pursued it. I can guarantee you that the main reason will come out to be a shocker. It is the only thing that stands between you and your dream job, dream career, dream life, dream position, dream house, dream relationship, dream friendship, dream business, dream move, whatever it is, it is all YOU!! The main reason is because you my dear are the common denominator in your entire existence of what you can or can’t achieve.
Stop fighting those inner feelings of greatness, be scared and take yourself on an unforgettable journey that you can only dream of. I guarantee you won’t regret it!
Coach Yulonda
The Empower Her Transformation is to help you stop the self sabotage and start living in your full purpose with full intentions. Join us now and take full complete control of your life. Mindset is the key. Once you gain control of your mentality, you will be an unstoppable force!
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