
Showing posts from April, 2024

Spa Days are the Best days

When was the last time you treated yourself to a relaxing invigorating body experience?  If you can’t think of the last time then it’s definitely been too long. When I started my company back in 2014, I had no idea that me just little ow me would actually be talking about spa days! I like to call them Coaches Spa day. Here is the thing, running a household, business, people and myself takes lots of energy and effort to maintain the ends and outs of my life.  I know for a fact you just might feel the same way at some capacity of the life you live. There are people who count on you for maybe at least everything or some things, nevertheless you are a needed momma. Creating your very own spa day is the need, it’s a necessity for your entire existence. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to feel special or to get that spa feeling.  You mitigate to make your spa day a non/ negotiable. Meaning everything and everyone can give you at least an hour to enjoy You. You can p...

Stop Running From Your Assignment

In life things get hard, it’s one of those things where you just want someone else to do it. The reality is, it’s your assignment and God has given it to you to fulfill. Let me tell you a little story. It took place over 5 years ago and at the time. My oldest son was 16 years of age. He had gotten hooked up with the wrong crowd. They had influenced him to be disobedient, staying out all times of the night, not coming home during curfew. There was even times when he would come home and be just a mess. Clothes dirty, looking like the world had taken him for a roller coaster of a ride. It had gotten to the point where he was stealing money from me just to hang out with this group of kids who were literally taking him down the wrong path. At first I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t endure this life. It was way too hard and I wasn’t ready for the assignment. There were nights that I couldn’t sleep thinking my child would be somewhere found in a ditch. There were even times when I was out looking ...

Elevate Your Life! Fit Babe Bootcamp

The Best Investment you will ever make is in yourself! At some point you get tired of doing the same thing over & over and not seeing the change you crave, the change you desire! I was fed up with being over weight, tired, & body just a hot HAMS!!  To lose 5lbs take discipline. Imagine trying to lose 30, 50, 60, heck 100lbs. It comes with the mentality that enough is enough and you are ready to endure everything you need to get to your goals! The mindset you come into this journey with will not be the same mindset you will need to have to achieve one of the most intricate task!  It will take you to places mentally you must be ready for! You will not look at food the same as you do now. You will develop a relationship with your plate and your body will become your temple… literally!  You won’t just trash it and give it anything, you will be more intune and aware of the things you put into your body! Weight loss is deeper than just the physical. It’s deeper than jus...