Stop Running From Your Assignment

In life things get hard, it’s one of those things where you just want someone else to do it. The reality is, it’s your assignment and God has given it to you to fulfill. Let me tell you a little story.

It took place over 5 years ago and at the time. My oldest son was 16 years of age. He had gotten hooked up with the wrong crowd. They had influenced him to be disobedient, staying out all times of the night, not coming home during curfew. There was even times when he would come home and be just a mess. Clothes dirty, looking like the world had taken him for a roller coaster of a ride.

It had gotten to the point where he was stealing money from me just to hang out with this group of kids who were literally taking him down the wrong path. At first I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t endure this life. It was way too hard and I wasn’t ready for the assignment. There were nights that I couldn’t sleep thinking my child would be somewhere found in a ditch. There were even times when I was out looking for him and couldn’t find him.

My heart sanked. I mean I was crying almost every single night, not knowing where he was or what was going on with him. I know you’re probably thinking, he was 16, make him stay in the house, make him come home by curfew. That would seem like the simplest of things but guess what?? When the world, especially those streets has a hold on your child. All you can do is pray endlessly and ask God to give you the strength as he sees fit!

Fast forward to one night about 2am in the morning, there is a big knocking on my front door, it startled me. I jumped up and went to the front door and it was an officer, with this flash light flashing on my face asking me if this is my son. He had my son standing there and I was just thankful and in tears, because he was home. Safe and sound but not knowing, the streets would still come for him.

You see there must have been some Devine blessings upon my son and I, because the next day, he got a call on his cell phone and it was another one of his friends telling him that one of there friends had been shot. That phone call shook my son’s entire life. He was in so much pain and he couldn’t believe his friend was gone.

All he could say was mom that could’ve been me. My heart sank. My stomach turned. His words alone shook my entire soul. That’s when I knew I had to be the mom with no let up. I had to set the boundaries. I had to take this assignment that I was given and do right by the task. I couldn’t be my son’s friend, I had to be his mom and it was my job to protect him from his own downfall. I had to push that tough love and if need be put him away if it had to come down to that!

You see the assignment isn’t one that I was ready for and I was unsure how to handle it, but what I did know was my God was going to see me through! And that’s exactly what he did! He helped me, he guided me, he gave me the strength I needed and without him my son probably wouldn’t be here today.

It won’t be easy by long shot!

Your assignment is yours for the making. It will help you build muscle, stamina, strength, confidence, and endurance. It will take you to places you don’t want to go but through it all. The assignment must be completed. So if you’re in a stage in your life where you feel tested, you feel lost or overwhelmed. Don’t worry. God will see you through as long as you keep your faith!

Coach Yulonda!


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