The Power Of Positive Thinking

So I know sometimes it's hard trying to keep a positive attitude and position in this thing called life today. I wanted to share with you all the book that I found so inspiring and so helpful, in helping me stay grounded and learning how to shift from being such a negative person to such a positive person.

Learning how to focus on the good in a bad situation was something that I had always struggled with, but when I came across this book years ago, it helped me to focus on certain situations and learn how to navigate through the negative to find the positive. I always try to teach my children to look for the positive in all circumstances, because just when you think there is no hope for you or your situation, there is. I was one who could never see the light. As years went on I understood how to ignore those who tried there best to bring the negative out of me.

What I know now and what I knew then..knowledge is power, no matter how you look at it. Put it in a book and I am definitely one to read it lol. So i just wanted to share with you all the book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, This book set the stage for shifting my mindset. To this day I refuse to let any negative thinking over power my life. When I say Positive Thinking will lead to Positive Results, I am not kidding, it may not happen when you want it to, but it will definitely happen.. Ow and try to keep negative people out of your positive circle, just love them from distance. its hard but it is so worth your sanity :) Now go and pick this book up and enjoy the knowledge your brain will feed off of!


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