New Year New You!!!

Ladies!!!! I know what it feels like to not have the body you truly want and desire, I know exactly how it feels to have that freaking sumo wrestling stomach that you just hate with a passion. You know the stomach that you have to buy girdles for, the one you have to buy a complete spanx set to cover up!!! I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL😳 

Well guess what I was tired of being overwhelmed, overweight and over nourished.. I took back my life.. I realized that food was controlling me and I wasn't controlling it at all.. not one bit, not even a little.. So I took matters into my own hands and promised my self that I would not give up!! I'm not giving up, I'm pushing through the good the bad the ugly the over indulging.. I'm giving it my best!! 

Today I'm down 25lbs.. This is my life and I choose to live a healthier one💪🎉

I love what I do!! Helping others is my passion and brings joy to my ❤️I Coach because it pushes me to be better, teaches me a healthier lifestyle and it gives me the confidence I need to help others reach their health and fitness goals❤️️

If you are tired of giving up and starting over then join me and my group of ladies who are putting their health first and starting their year off with a 💥  My New Year 🎉New You 🎉Health and Fitness Group is starting soon. I have 3 spots left..

If you are ready I am here to Rock out with you!! What do you have to lose besides those unwanted pounds👍Let's Rock this journey together.. Comment Below 

Rock N Drop Fitness❤️Coach Yulonda!! Are you Ready👍😍


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