
Showing posts from January, 2018

This Is Your Journey!

When you express to someone that you are on your health & fitness journey for you, to better yourself, 9 times out of 10 they may congratulate or they may ask you questions or they may just say nothing. It’s great to have friends or family approval, however your journey is solely about getting you on track.  Your journey will give you the foundation to grow from, it will help you to become a stronger you, it will help you to become a fighter, a fighter for your life. You will mentally prepare yourself for this journey. You will strive for your greatness. Your Health & Fitness is a mental journey first. It will take dedication, determination, willingness, eagerness, drive and pure heart! You are not a quitter, you will survive and achieve your greatness!  When I first started my journey I truly was all over the place, there are so many different avenues one can take when they are bettering themselves. What I know for a fact is you have to do what works best  for yo...

Superfoods Shake

Do you sometimes feel bloated? Your stomach looks like you could be pregnant but you know for a fact that you are not! Well that’s how I use to feel before I started to research why I would feel and look that way. One thing that stood out is that I must start taking better care of my body, which has helped me learn to eat more earth grown foods than processed boxed foods.One of my Favorite Superfoods that I love sharing and telling other woman about is Chia Seed!!!  Chia Seeds are a powerful source of  omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium.  When I started to add one of my Favorite Superfoods to my Shakeo in the mornings it started to make all the difference when it came to my stomach bloat. I soak 1 teaspoon of Chia Seeds for about 30 minutes in a 1/2 cup of water while I work out, once I have completed my workout I make my Superfoods Shake which is as follows:  1 Packet of Chocolate Shakeo  1 Teaspoon o...

Chipotle Black Bean Burger Salad..Deliciousness on a Plate!

Everyday will not be perfect, and there are days that I do not feel like eating healthy or giving my body the nutrients it needs to produce the results I love. Guess what!! Thats when my Why always comes into play, I could eat something that is so good that I would forget about what it is I am suppose to be doing, which to give my body what it needs to survive. Not to mention my Boys are watching everything I do, I can't tell them to eat healthy and I not show up, especially when days like this one rolls around. When we think our children aren't watching, trust me they really are! Tonight was one of those nights, I had a lot of things already on my plate, From checking my Business to make sure things are going accordingly to having our weekly Family Discussion, to giving pep talks, paying bills, returning calls, etc.. It was a lot going on in my household, needless to say that I didn't actually get to sit down and eat until 10:30pm, which was way pass our normal dinner ti...

Delicious Meal Your Family Will Love

Last night while my family and I were out, it was getting late in the day and of course my boys, kept saying they were hungry. Now for any mom when your child expresses hunger we want to make that thought go away by providing them something to eat, something that will satisfy there hunger, something that will make them happy! Now in previous times we would have opted for fast food, such as carry out, McDonald’s, Burger King or something that just wasn’t going to be healthy or add and nutritional value to them. I took a stand and I informed them that I was going to feed them something way better than fast food and something that was going to be satisfying, did they believe me? Of course because I always try my best to give them something nutritional, healthy and that will keep them satisfied for a couple of hours, because we all know that fast food is empty calories and it runs right though you lol I made a Simple Healthy Veggie Penne Dish that they absolutely loved and it serve...