What is your Why??

That is the number one question that many are asked when embarking on a weight loss journey. I was asked this question on many occasions and I must say I truly didn't understand what it truly meant, heck I had no idea on what my answer was suppose to be. I thought that there was a particular answer to the question. In reality my reality, there was no right answer and there was no wrong answer.

My why had to resonate with me, it was something that had to touch my soul, something that I knew when things got hard in my journey, it would be the one thing that would get me back into focus, the one thing that matters the most to me. When I really and I mean really took a look into my Why, it all boiled down to me. I was the reason behind it all. I was the quitter, the complainer, the doubter, I was the true reason behind my why.

I broke free from the negative talk to myself, the self doubt, the body shaming, I took full responsibility for where I was in my journey and why I was there, why I didn't see progress, I was honest and true. I had to understand that my why couldn't be my husband, it couldn't be my children. It had to resonate with me, it had to mean more than the physical, it had to hit home and help me to open my eyes to everything that I was afraid to face.

Seeing me for who I truly was, while taking full responsibility for my actions was something that I longed for, for a long time. I understand that my journey is a lifetime and everyday I will grow more and more. Remember your Why, Love yourself unconditionally and see that life is truly amazing and you can live your best life ever if you choose.

Loving on me never felt so good!

Coach Yulonda!


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