My Life is a Mess!
Everyday I am not sure what my life will look like. As a mom of 6, A CEO of my own virtual health business, a wife and let's not forget that I also am a Manager for one of the busiest industries in Maryland. My life is pretty chaotic. Someday's I just want to crawl under a pillow and live there forever, but my reality is that is so impossible.
I remember I use to question myself and wondered If I am good enough. Am I good enough to raise 6 children who all have very different personalities? Am I good enough to be a wife a second time round? Am I good enough to run a virtual business and be in Corporate America? Am I good enough just to be me? These questions would flood my mind every waking hour and even on the days I didn't want to think about these things, I needed to and I had to, in order to find my way.
I had to stop self doubting myself, My husband would always tell me that my life is designed and ran by me, by my everyday actions, by my everyday involvement in me bettering myself. My thinking has everything to do with how I see myself In this thing called life. I had to understand that I am not the only woman in life who has responsibilities. I am not the only one who has to juggle life, family, career and business.
There would be days when It just felt like I was the only one. it felt like no one could understand my struggle and I truly just wanted to call it quits. I felt like I wanted to quit my business, my clients, my career and just be a mom and a wife, but I knew that wasn't going to feed the void in life, the void to help others, to help woman see their greatness, to Let them know that they were meant to be great In this thing called life.
I stopped sabotaging my own destiny and started to embrace my messy, chaotic life. I stopped having pity parties for myself and started living, I started embracing everything there was about my life, my children , I was looking for perfection and the reality was I was living my own perfection, My children were perfectly who they are, my marriage was perfectly going the way it was suppose to go, my business was perfect, my clients were perfect, my life aligned just perfectly. I had to stop looking for imperfections, those were the things that contributed to me doubting myself. Imperfections are all around us, I had to learn that my messy chaotic life was my own perfection.
Nothing nor no one is perfect. We all are a mess in our own little way.. That is what makes you, you, my imperfections in my life make me, me and I wouldn't have it any other way. take time out of your busy life and embrace the goodness in each moment and on the days when you think there are no good moments, trust me there are. You just have to stand still and breath!
Here are 3 ways I embrace my messy chaotic life
* Breath- take a deep breath, stay calm because in that moment when you want to scream just know this moment will pass and once it has passed will you be happy and content with your reaction? Have a plan of action to deal with all things in your life and people. A woman with a plan is an unstoppable force.
*Take a walk- sometimes we have no control over the kids bickering back and forth, you not seeing eye to eye with your mate on a certain matter, whatever it is, don't lash out just take a walk. By walking and relaxing your mind, gives you time to breath, calm down and revisit the situation calmly. Remember you control your energy and how and what you use it on.
*Set Boundaries- know who you are, know what you will accept and what you won't accept, and that means from everyone in your circle. Setting boundaries gives you a sense of calmness. Take control of your mess.
Coach Yulonda!

I remember I use to question myself and wondered If I am good enough. Am I good enough to raise 6 children who all have very different personalities? Am I good enough to be a wife a second time round? Am I good enough to run a virtual business and be in Corporate America? Am I good enough just to be me? These questions would flood my mind every waking hour and even on the days I didn't want to think about these things, I needed to and I had to, in order to find my way.
I had to stop self doubting myself, My husband would always tell me that my life is designed and ran by me, by my everyday actions, by my everyday involvement in me bettering myself. My thinking has everything to do with how I see myself In this thing called life. I had to understand that I am not the only woman in life who has responsibilities. I am not the only one who has to juggle life, family, career and business.
There would be days when It just felt like I was the only one. it felt like no one could understand my struggle and I truly just wanted to call it quits. I felt like I wanted to quit my business, my clients, my career and just be a mom and a wife, but I knew that wasn't going to feed the void in life, the void to help others, to help woman see their greatness, to Let them know that they were meant to be great In this thing called life.
I stopped sabotaging my own destiny and started to embrace my messy, chaotic life. I stopped having pity parties for myself and started living, I started embracing everything there was about my life, my children , I was looking for perfection and the reality was I was living my own perfection, My children were perfectly who they are, my marriage was perfectly going the way it was suppose to go, my business was perfect, my clients were perfect, my life aligned just perfectly. I had to stop looking for imperfections, those were the things that contributed to me doubting myself. Imperfections are all around us, I had to learn that my messy chaotic life was my own perfection.
Nothing nor no one is perfect. We all are a mess in our own little way.. That is what makes you, you, my imperfections in my life make me, me and I wouldn't have it any other way. take time out of your busy life and embrace the goodness in each moment and on the days when you think there are no good moments, trust me there are. You just have to stand still and breath!
Here are 3 ways I embrace my messy chaotic life
* Breath- take a deep breath, stay calm because in that moment when you want to scream just know this moment will pass and once it has passed will you be happy and content with your reaction? Have a plan of action to deal with all things in your life and people. A woman with a plan is an unstoppable force.
*Take a walk- sometimes we have no control over the kids bickering back and forth, you not seeing eye to eye with your mate on a certain matter, whatever it is, don't lash out just take a walk. By walking and relaxing your mind, gives you time to breath, calm down and revisit the situation calmly. Remember you control your energy and how and what you use it on.
*Set Boundaries- know who you are, know what you will accept and what you won't accept, and that means from everyone in your circle. Setting boundaries gives you a sense of calmness. Take control of your mess.
Coach Yulonda!
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