✨Coming into my truth✨
For many many years I wasn’t living in my own truth. I was so distracted by all things and people around me that it became my norm. I was truly living for everyone else and not me. I was a true people pleaser, always looking for that one set of validation or making sure that I was getting recognized for being what other’s thought I should be.

It was just a miserable way to live, but it was who I was. It was my disgusting truth. It wasn’t till I realized that my worth was so much more than being validated by people who could care a 2 cents about me or my family. I started to become my own person. I no longer wanted to live in the shadows of the glits and glam of the so called perfect life.
I wanted normalcy back in my life and I was determined to get back to loving me unconditionally. Slowly but surely I began to wake up and see that my life is just beautiful the way it is and that I had nothing to prove to no one. Once you start living in your truth and going about your precious life for you. God tends to help you see your worth which was more than you could ever see.
When you start to live for you, it’s a weight that’s lifted off your shoulders and you begin to have clarity towards your truth self happiness. The happiness that’s stored within you. It’s the place of no regret, the place where you will start to flourish into this beautiful being. Life is absolutely amazing. The more you lift back the curtains to your own self worth, the more you fall in love with just being You!
You are amazing! Just the way You are!
Coach Yulonda❤️
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