Set Your Expectations & Rock Out!
At first I use to crave a good ole Dominos Pizza, I had to have my fix at least once a week, but at some point eating like that lead me to a life of misery. Just overwhelmed & unsure if I was ever going to lose the weight. It wasn’t until I developed a different way of looking at things, at looking at life. Not being indecisive or undecided.

I knew that food wasn’t the enemy, it was the way I viewed food, my relationship with or without food and what kind of life was I truly living where food was controlling me. I started to develop a more healthier relationship, not only with my food but also with my thought, my actions and most importantly my words. The words I spoke to myself meant a lot. It would determine if I was really going to put in effort and take action to better my health or was I going to continue down that spiraling roller coaster leading no where but right into hoops and hoops of circles.
I started simple & small, by adding in & not taking out or should I say restricting myself. I learned to eat with purpose and intentions. The one rule I followed was to stop thinking about everyone else and if they would approve and just do what was necessary for my growth, mentally & physically.
Here are my 3 simple non- negotiables
1.This is not a diet
2. There is no such thing as bad foods
3. Eat with Purpose & Intentions
Allowing myself to see how important it was for me to set the stage for myself allowed growth. Always remember you are never stuck. You have the power to change your life, it’s all in how you view it.
Coach Yulonda!
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