Stop Giving Up!
Easier said than done! Yup this I definitely do know. I want more! I am enough! Why not me? These are just a few things that I say to myself when I just don’t understand why?? Why isn’t it happening for me? Why do I feel stuck? Why am I not seeing results? When will it be my time?

Guess what?? Your time is now! It’s your time to never stop giving up on you. It’s your time to fight for you until you have no more fight to give. It’s your time to just let go & Let God! It’s your time to shine, not tomorrow but today, heck every freaking day you are given the opportunity to see another day, you better shine’
Tomorrow isn’t promised, and neither is the next hour, so stop focusing on things that have nothing to do with your success, things that have nothing to do with your goals. Focus on the now, Focus on You and dig deep for your self preservation that will get you to your success. Always trust & believe that God got you and he wants you to be Great!
Coach Yulonda❤️
#successisinyou #thisisyourtime #fightforyou
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