Stop Doubting Yourself
You hear it all the time. Don’t doubt yourself. It’s really not doubting yourself, I believe it’s fear or nervousness that stops You from pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
I believe that we tell ourselves these crazy beliefs and we tend to believe our own lies. That’s exactly where I was. I truly wanted my Wellness Business to Flourish, I truly wanted to help so many many, especially woman of color who doubt themselves and don’t believe that health is actually for them.
When we are young & little we learn nothing about nutrition, especially if you were raised in the 1977 era! We weren’t taught that health is wealth. That your body has so many different elements and specific parts that need to be taken care of. It’s an overall health for your entire body To experience.
Especially mental health, the words you speak to yourself and how you allow others to treat you as well as how you treat yourself. For woman of color the bar was definitely overlooked in that era and I’m giving of myself to fix generational issues. Rock N drop Fitness is an official Business!! Our baby has her wings and Coach is on a mission to teach woman, busy woman who have let themselves take a back seat to everyone they take care of. No longer will that be You! Your health matters and it’s time to take back your life!
Registration is open for New Clients. Let’s discuss how to get you back on track and make You a priority. Coaching is what I love, it’s a part of my life, my DNA and I’m going to help You excel in learning how to set the stage for your body, mind & health!
When do I start!!!