Mental Healing

There is a lot that goes on in your life! I mean you barely have time for You. You noticed that with time, you stopped doing the things that mattered most, stop taking care of your mental health, stopped showing up for you. Not intentionally but because life just showed up! 

Did you know that life will continue to show up every day no matter what you have going on. It’s so easy to dismiss your needs, your desires and your wants. Understand that you matter and what you require is a non- negotiable for your life. 

Your mental health plays a huge factor in being able to take care of the people you love and most importantly yourself. I remembered being so broken and so sad that I couldn’t find the strength to just be present with my family. I remember just crying almost everyday for an entire year. You see my life was going absolutely amazing but my mental health was taking a beating. Life was taking its toll on me, mentally! 

It wasn’t until I prayed and started to fight for me again. To live life for me. To show up for me. Life will always be life, but how You look at it, how you approach it, how you take matters into your own hands makes the biggest difference. I want you to know your not alone and that you do matter. Here are a few pointers that helped me combat mental burnout 

*Slow Down- everything will get done but you don’t need to  worry about things that literally can and will be done in time

*Pray- God hears you, he knows you better than you know yourself, pour out your heart to him and ask him for help with the struggle that you are facing (Peace of Mind)

*Get some fresh air- Believe it or not, fresh air makes a huge difference in how you feel. Take a walk and listen to the birds, the wind and feel the sun on your face. Do this daily! 

*Shift your negative thoughts with powerful positive ones. It’s easier said than done but with practice it helps a whole lot when it comes to mental burnout. (Affirmations help)

With time, adding these small steps in your life will make a huge difference. 

How do you handle mental burnout. Share below ⬇️ 


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