Doubt is an Negative Emotion

Doubt!!! Doubt is one of the most natural things that our mind creates without fail. Doubt is an emotional process that your body goes through when your in the midst of trying something different, new or exciting. 

At times doubt is an emotion that’s connected with negativity. Embarking on the journey to creating a healthy body and mind was a very challenging process for me. Who new that 9 years of healthy living would be a roller coaster of emotions. Learning and understanding my body, what it needed and how food effects the body was a lot to take in. 

Understanding all the fad diets out here and how each diet can effect hormones, metabolism, mental health and physical health! My mind was a an emotional wreck of doubt at one point in time. 

In those moments of doubt, I thought there was no way I can learn all this stuff, there is no way I could possibly teach it to others, but once I started, retained the information and took that knowledge in started to incorporate it in my daily living. Doubt was no longer apparent to me. That’s the beauty of throwing doubt in the trash. 

Doubt can’t exist if you give it no entertainment! It just can’t thrive or flourish! 

The only way to defeat doubt is to take that emotion that is tied to that particular thought and replace it with an amazing thought. One that shows you all the possibilities of your life being enlightened with phenomenal possibilities & ideas! 

( You create Your own Reality)

Never sit and believe for one moment the doubt and thoughts that trigger you to think any less than. 

Always see You Self Worth and your infectious charisma to excel at all levels in your life! 

Coach Yulonda! 

#rockndropfitness #believeinyourself


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