Ginger Shots: The End All Be All to Getting Sick

Listen if you love ginger in your smoothie, your soups, your salads or just in your life in general. Than your going to love this Goodness that I concocted in my Kitchen!! 

It’s the End all to Sickness & or just feeling Sick or being Sick! 

Let’s get into this recipe immediately!! 


1/2 Cup Ginger

1 Tbsp Turmeric 

2 Oranges Peeled 

1 Tsp Pepper

2 Tablespoons Buckwheat Honey

2 Cups Coconut Water 

Place all ingredients in Blender except for Coconut Water, Turmeric, Honey and pepper. Strain ingredients and then add the 2 Cups Coconut Water to Mason Jar with the other Ingredients

Shake well & Refrigerate. Take 2tbsp daily 

This make one 16 oz mason jar. 

#ginger #gingershots #coldseason 


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