Sweet Treats Are Necessary!

So your on your journey, you have been giving it your all, you are doing things that you have never ever done before, you are meal prepping, you are getting your workouts in, you are committed and you are definitely on fire. You are so good at what you do that you know for a fact that you have this thing down packed and there is nothing and no one that can deviate you from your path. Until the inevitable happen, you go out with your friends and all of a sudden, you guys are ordering desert, well, let's just say they order desert and you have decided not to eat what they have order, you have decided that you are going to go home and create you a nice desert that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, without adding any guilt.

You create you the Ultimate Banana 🍌 Chocolate Chip Oat Cookie!! Which takes you only 20 minutes. 10 minutes to mix all the ingredients together and 10 minutes to bake. You are so proud of yourself because not only did you not give into temptation, you still had your desert without all the guilty feelings that come along with having a treat.

I say this to say all things are possible and you can enjoy your healthy lifestyle without all the complications that come along with having a sweet treat. Here I would like to share with you one of my favorite sweet treats, without all the calories or feeling guilty for indulging. 


2 Bananans 

1 Cup of Rolled Oats

1/2 Cup Chocolate Morsels

1 teaspoon of Cinnamon 

1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract


In a mixing bowl of your choice, mash the bananas to creamy texture, then add in all the dried ingredients along with the vanilla extract.  then take a spoon and scoop the desired amount into small rolls or balls on to a un-greased cookie sheet or you can also use parchment paper and place cookies on parchment paper on cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, and let cool. I personally freeze these bad boys and they will last me for a month as long as my hubby and boys don’t get to them lol

You can also get fancy and add peanut butter or almond butter too. The possibilities are endless.


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