Emotional Eating The Roller Coaster!
Sometimes I think my journey is in vain, and then there are other times when I feel my Journey is great, but overall it is am amazing journey to travel. There will always be ups and down as you embark on your health and fitness journey. I remember there were times where I would just cry my eyes out because I was just too fat and the weight seemed to not want to go away, there were days when I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was sabotaging my own journey,
It seem to be harder and harder to keep the weight off, my reality was it was hard keeping the weight off and that was because I had a weakness for sweets, or fatty foods, especially cake, cake was my favorite snack, you give me a piece of chocolate cake and I was good to go. I would eat that cake and be just as happy and content as I was eating, but once the cake was gone, my self respect was at its lowest. my emotions would get the best of me, I would feel so bad and defeated and along came all the self doubt and my emotions was at 100, I was sad and then feeling a state of depression. all because I kept playing the yo yo game with myself. I wasn't strong enough to fight my sugar cravings, so I thought. or to not beat myself up after I had a bad day of emotional eating
I had to understand that I had to start believing in myself, I couldn't keep feeding myself negative thoughts that lead to negative self talk in my head. It was taking a toll on my body and not to mention mentally. I started to understand that weight loss was more of an emotional mental journey and once I understood that, I could understand and start to focus on my personal relationship with my sweet tooth and why I would overindulge. This journey for me has taught me a lot about being present with myself and learning my body and developing a mindset that was strong enough to fight those urges of self doubt and self sabotage.
I know far to well the emotional side of overeating or eating when stress arise or to eat for comfort, that was my life. Somedays I have to remember that I have come too far to go back to where I use to be mentally. I want you to know that you are not alone on this roller coaster journey and I am here to help you every step of the way. Being an Emotional Eater and Over eater can take a toll on you but just know this, You are Stronger than you Know but you have to trust and Believe in yourself to overcome the darkness.
Take the time to Focus on You and what your body is telling you. Focus on how to become stronger and Healthier. You Life depends on it!!

It seem to be harder and harder to keep the weight off, my reality was it was hard keeping the weight off and that was because I had a weakness for sweets, or fatty foods, especially cake, cake was my favorite snack, you give me a piece of chocolate cake and I was good to go. I would eat that cake and be just as happy and content as I was eating, but once the cake was gone, my self respect was at its lowest. my emotions would get the best of me, I would feel so bad and defeated and along came all the self doubt and my emotions was at 100, I was sad and then feeling a state of depression. all because I kept playing the yo yo game with myself. I wasn't strong enough to fight my sugar cravings, so I thought. or to not beat myself up after I had a bad day of emotional eating
I had to understand that I had to start believing in myself, I couldn't keep feeding myself negative thoughts that lead to negative self talk in my head. It was taking a toll on my body and not to mention mentally. I started to understand that weight loss was more of an emotional mental journey and once I understood that, I could understand and start to focus on my personal relationship with my sweet tooth and why I would overindulge. This journey for me has taught me a lot about being present with myself and learning my body and developing a mindset that was strong enough to fight those urges of self doubt and self sabotage.
I know far to well the emotional side of overeating or eating when stress arise or to eat for comfort, that was my life. Somedays I have to remember that I have come too far to go back to where I use to be mentally. I want you to know that you are not alone on this roller coaster journey and I am here to help you every step of the way. Being an Emotional Eater and Over eater can take a toll on you but just know this, You are Stronger than you Know but you have to trust and Believe in yourself to overcome the darkness.
Take the time to Focus on You and what your body is telling you. Focus on how to become stronger and Healthier. You Life depends on it!!
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