Eating from the Earth 🌍 For Optimal Health

At times you may be thinking πŸ€” that you do eat for your health. Then there are times when you eat whatever it is you want when you want it🀦‍♀️which makes you feel awful, bloated and just down right uncomfortable at times. 

What I have learned and understood is when you eat from the earth 🌍 it’s beautiful 😍 bountiful fruits πŸ‰ πŸ‡πŸ and veggies πŸ₯¦πŸ₯‘πŸ₯¬πŸ₯• your overall health tends to improve. It’s not just about moving your body for 30 minutes a day, it’s also about eating nutritious 90% of the time. Giving Yourself 10% of fun, processed foodsπŸ₯³

Getting down and dirty in the kitchen. Creating and playing around with different recipes in your kitchen. It all boils down to when, how and what 

When is the best time to eat for optimal health. Everyday- Breakfast- Lunch - Dinner and let’s not forget snacks!! 

How will you prepare your meals? Right in the comfort of your kitchen. Do you like cooking? Probably not, but it’s the best way to get results, to get nutrients that will help you help yourself along with your body. 

What will you prepare? When making market stay on the outer perimeter of the market. There are so many different websites to get healthy recipes. Pinterest is one of my favorites. They have everything you can think of and more. 

The Kitchen is where health is mastered. You know the saying: You are What You Eat!! If your eating for results, get your body to give you more than what it is taking. Also take time to think πŸ€” about what it is you want to achieve for yourself. 

Healthy living is a choice! Your Health Matters. Here I am sharing with you my Superfoods of choice.

#CoachYulonda #HealthyLiving


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