Bean Burgers

It’s so easy to just go out and buy a burger and have your way with it lol,  the love comes from you putting that Vitamin L in your food for you and for your family. Tonight when I got home, that’s exactly what I did!! Here  is my simple Black Bean Pinto Burger that you and your family will enjoy. You can eat it just as you do your other burgers. Pack on your toppings and enjoy yourself!

❤️ 2 Cans of Pinto Beans Drained and rinsed throughly with cold water

❤️1 Red Onion Chopped Finely 

❤️ 1 Red Bell Pepper Chopped Finely

❤️ 1 Can of Corn Drained and Rinsed Throughly with Cold Water

❤️ 1 Teaspoon of Garlic Powder

❤️ 1 Teaspoon of Black Pepper 

❤️1 Teaspoon of Garlic & Herb Powder

Directions: In a Large Bowl add your beans and corn and mash, then add the remainder of your ingredients. Each patty should be 1/2 diameter thick and as large as you like them. Place in frying pan with Olive oil and fry for 2 to 3 minutes on each side and then serve!

Healthy Eating doesn’t have to be difficult, think about it this way. Every food that is out here in the market place, you can critique to make it into a healthier option. It’s all in the desire and the willingness to do so.

Coach Yulonda❤️


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