✨You Verses You✨

Becoming Healthier isn’t about depriving yourself, or restricting yourself! It’s about balance! Life is all about balance! Yes as a Health Coach, I do eat doughnuts 🍩 I do have a slice a pizza 🍕 or indulge in my favorite, which is dark chocolate 🍫 it’s not everyday! I know what my life was like when I ate those things everyday, heck every week!! Let me tell you it wasn’t pretty and I was at a whopping 245lbs😩

I needed better, I wanted better for myself! I didn’t want to live a life full of body ache and pain. I was tired of being sick and tired and I avoided every mirror I could! 

There is no balance in eating those unhealthy processed foods or snacks especially if your eating them everyday of your life! If your not looking the way you want to look and feel when you walk pass the mirror, it’s truly because of the foods you eat! 

Your health is a direct reflection of the foods you consume and love ❤️ every single day of your life! Think about your body🤔 What signs does your body give you that something just may not be right! Let’s consider some: 

Constipation- not moving your bowels everyday, that’s not cool!! 

Weight gain- why is that happening? 

Heart flutters - maybe when standing, sitting or lying down, it’s very scary!! 

Lower Back pain- your spin is working overtime, the pressure is sooo real

High blood pressure- a clear sign something is definitely not right! 

High Cholesterol- high fatty foods!! Processed Foods! Fried foods!! 

These are just to name a few! Do I think they all can be prevented, Yes, I do!! Now some just will have different medical reasons or conditions that contribute to these elements! For those that don’t... it’s all reversible! 

You must start to eat more from the earth 🌍 add in Whole Foods, good yummy 😋 foods that will help you as your on your journey to a healthier you! It’s ok to have a snack or dessert 🍮 here and there but you can not eat those foods in high fatty volume and expect to live a healthy life with no signs of illness! Your health is dependent on Your ability to Fight For You! 

If your sick and tired! You’ve had enough! You want change! Take the first step and commit to You! 

Coach Yulonda❤️

#YourHealthMatters #RockndropFitness



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