Covid-19 & Mental Health

 Self Care is a big deal. I know you hear more and more people talk about this one topic more than any other topic around. Since we have all encountered the Crazy and time stamped Pandemic, it has been one heck of a ride for all to endure, not to mention ones who were already on the verge of a mental breakdown because of other things that was happening in their lives. Self care became a big topic for me when I started to have my own mental breakdown due to the fear of the pandemic. 

I have never in my life experienced such a detrimental moment in time than I have in 2020. It literally took a toll on me mentally. I was doing my best to put on a brave face for all in my home, my children, my husband and even myself. I was so afraid of the unknown because I had never been in that type of situation before. I mean of course we wake up, take on day to day life and life seems normal or so we think, but when Covid-19 hit, it took on a whole new beast and it took no prisoners, it wasn't picky or choosy. It took lives and impacted lives. For me it took me to a place of fear. I stayed fearful of Covid-19 from May of 2020 to January of 2021. It was to the point that I literally thought something was wrong with my body, and every Dr's visit, the results were the same.

My Dr's would say your blood work is great, your papsmear is fine, your EKG is perfect, there is nothing wrong. In my mind, I felt like they were missing something, I felt like she wasn't doing enough test. It wasn't until January 7th when I was exercising and my stomach started to feel funny. I couldn't stand up straight, I couldn't eat. It was all around bad. My husband took me to the Dr's and again they ran all these test, took ex-rays, did another EKG and there you have it nothing, They saw nothing. I couldn't believe it. How can I be in this pain and the Dr's see nothing. I was floored, sad and in disbelief. You know how you feel, you literally have pain but nothing shows. Nothing at all. 

This is when I knew mental health was a real thing. This is when it hit me. There is nothing wrong with my body physically, but mentally I am going through a rough patch and I am not sure how to deal with this at all, is what I told myself. That next morning after I was released from the hospital, I knew I had to get myself together. I had to stop being so afraid.  It seems crazy when you hear nothing is wrong with you but you feel there has to be something wrong because my body says so or so I thought!

I started to evaluate my life and my current situation, See before Covid-19, I was living my best life ever, then when Covid-19 hit, I hit a wall of self inflicted fear, that just kept spiraling. It took some time for me to understand that Mental Health and Physical Health go hand and hand. You can't have one without the other, it just doesn't work that way. 

I started to take care of me whole heartedly. I am a true believer that if your mental is off, your body will be off as well. I want you to know that it is ok to be fearful of the unknown, what is not ok is to  stay stuck there. You must work on you everyday of your life because this a battle, which involves you against you. Covid-19 is still here, and at this point it truly will be around for a long time coming just as the flu has been around for decades and centuries. We have learned how to live with it, in hopes that everything will work out for the best, even in the times of the unknown. 

Here are a few of my greatest tips that has helped me strive for my best self mentally and physically during this time. 

1.Get some fresh air, taking a walk, taking in the sites, seeing beautiful nature, hearing the birds chirp or even just looking at the fresh trees and the wind blowing helps to calm the mind

2.Self care- exercising,  eating heathy meals and snacks, staying hydrated with plenty of water and fruit infused waters and take nice calming baths

3.Journaling- Write down your thoughts, your fears, your successes, and your goals, Reading. Personal Development Books, and Listening to Podcast.

4.Create a Vision Board, what is it that you want to accomplish, what do you want to do with your life, See the Vison and Bring it to Life

5. Light Candles with great scents, stock up on Lavender oil and Lemon oil, calming oils that sooth the senses, mind and body

6. Prayer, Affirmations and talking with your person, talking about how you feel helps you out in so many ways, don't keep things bottled up inside, even if it seems like no one will understand, try them out, you will be surprised.

Remember you are not alone. Mental Health is serious and it isn't to be taken lightly. You can survive the unknown and Fear does not live here. Takeback control of your life and Strive for Your Greatness!

#rockndropfitness #Selfcare #Selflove #MentalHealthMatters #stayfocused


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