Taco Tuesday Vegan Style

Taco 🌮  Tuesday in Full effect over here!! I love me a good taco. This is one for the books!! 


1 package of Plant Based Meat 

1/2 cup of kale

1/2 cup of mushrooms

1/2 cup of bell peppers 

1 Can of Red Beans (drained)

1/2 Cup of Vegetable Broth

1Tbsp of Olive oil 


1/2 Tbsp of Wood Fire Hardwood Smoked flavor seasoning (B.J’s Warehouse)

1/2 Tbsp of Taco Seasoning 

1/2 Tbsp of Garlic seasoning 


Add Plantbased meat to saucepan with 1Tbsp of olive oil. Sauté for 10 minutes than add seasoning, veggies and 1/2 cup of vegetable broth. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Turn heat off. Add a serving to your favorite tacos


Sprinkling of Nacho Spice Nutrional Yeast (Trader Joes) 
1/2 Tbsp of Bacon Bites
1/2 Tbsp of Salsa 

Enjoy this mouth watering Taco & put your feet up🥰

#tacotuesday #rockndropfitness #plantbased


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