Pineapple 🍍 Water it’s time to Heal from Inflammation

Before I started my health & wellness journey, I use to have really bad knee pain, heart palpitations, headaches, back aches and for some crazy reason, my arms would hurt bad! 

After research and cleaning up my diet, which undoubtedly was one of the biggest helps to heal my inflammation. It wasn’t until I understood how food is definitely medicine and eating more of Whole Foods, foods from the earth and being fully present with my plate did my body truly start to heal. 

I love my concoction of Pineapple, Coconut water and it’s so refreshing and easy to make! 

Let’s dive into this quick recipe. 


1 whole pineapple, 1 Tsp of cinnamon, 4 Cups of Spring Water, & Coconut Water 


Wash your pineapple skin, after washing, slice the pineapple with the outer skin, in a pot of your Spring water then place the pineapple in the pot along with 1tsp of cinnamon. Allow to boil for about 10 minutes.

Let cool, strain pineapple water into mason jar 1/2 way and then add the coconut water to complete the mason jar. Repeat until you have at least 2 full mason jars. 

You can either drink hot like a tea or let cool and refrigerate and sip as you go. 

I drink this 2 to 3 times a week and it has completely changed not only my skin, but also my aches, pains and inflammation are no more! My heart palpitations cleared up once I stopped eating foods that were more harmful than anything to my body! 

Share this with your loved ones and keep this in your arsenal for years to come! 

Coach Yulonda! 

#pineapple #pineapplewater #inflammation #healyourbody


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