Healthy Habits: Shrimp Black Bean Fajitas!

Today was frigid cold in Maryland and the last thing I was thinking about was cooking, however I knew how important it is to make sure that my children are receiving their daily dose of nutrients from the most healthiest foods I can give them. See learning what to cook and how to cook are 2 major key components when eating healthy. 

Today I whipped up Shrimp Black Bean Wheat Fajitas which might I add was very delicious, they were very light, the were not weighed down like most restaurant brought fajitas, that have creams and cheeses and a whole swoo of other ingredients. You know when you go to a restaurant they rarely ever give you enough greenery to fill you plate. For me making sure my boys have thise nutrients to help build strong muscles and bones are a must! 

Tonight my family and I had these great fajitas that were really awesome, if I must say so myself.They were filled with Black Beans, Sautéed Shrimp, Brown Rice, Spinach and Carrots.. This meal definitely hit the spot 😊


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