Giving you a Chance to Live Your Life to the Fullest!

When I first started my Journey I didn't believe in me. I couldn't see past my failures. I made sure that I made up every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't succeed in this weight loss game, because see in my mind it was a game, I did not take my health serious and I sure wasn't worried about living another day. You know the saying if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it! I never tried to fix it, I thought that my life was going to be the way it was going to be and I truly believed that if I was fat that just the way it was suppose to be.No exceptions!! I didn't have the understanding that the foods I was putting in my body was the culprit as to why I was not shedding the weight, so I thought.

Once I started to dig fully into my life. I came to the realization that I had an unhealthy relationship with all foods, I kept negative people in my circle and Al i Surrounded myself was things and people who wasn't healthy for me at all. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted and it wasn't about just the foods, let's not leave out my junk food addiction.. man o man that was crazy by itself.. I was a Chocolate fanatic! If I truly wanted to see change within myself, it was not any one else in my circle job or duty to change me but me. I changed my Circle of People, I connected to more positive people in my life and I focused on getting me on track!

Once I stopped being a Victim, I became a Victor! I lead with my fears, I failed forward, I changed my mindset, I started to think and believed in myself more and more each day. I started to change in ways that I never thought possible. I stopped making excuses for myself. You can too.. Your mind is your worst enemy, you have to start to believe in yourself and take actions. Your Life is worth it and You Health is one of the greatest rewards you can give yourself!

Coach Yulonda!


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