Everyday I strive to better than I was yesterday. It's not about perfection, however its about holding myself accountable to who I truly am. If all I do everyday is sit around and get nothing accomplish, then my life will reflect me doing nothing, no goals, no ambitions, no nothing, however if I show up for myself everyday and make the impossible possible and strive to be the best that I am capable of being then there is a possibility that I will accomplish my Dreams.

I wake up everyday with my goals at hand and the task of what is needed for me to complete everyday. It's the tedious things that annoy us the most that we know we have to do. If you find goal setting difficult and staying on task challenging then you must find a way that works best for you to complete what you know needs to be done.

For me I notice that when I write things down and see them in view and refer back to the task I have written, then I am more likely to complete them and stick with them. I know as I am on my Health Journey, I schedule my workouts and my meals which helps me to stay on course and not to a fly by night, in the past when I wasn't scheduling my workouts or meal planning the foods I was going to eat, I failed at it every time. I didn't lose weight because the foods I was eating was fly by nights, which means I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted, which gave me poor results.

Sticking to a schedule will help you stay accountable to you! planning your day, your workouts and your meals will help you stay focused and true to all your task at hand. One of the tools I utilize is my Fitbook, it helps me log my workouts, my food, my goals, my task which in turn helps me accomplish my goals. Being serious about your life and your goals will lead you to the most phenomenal results. www.getfitbook.com


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