Your Health Matters!

As I think about my health and how far I have come it truly amazes me as to how I have stayed grounded on my journey. Deciding to develop a healthier relationship with the foods I love has been life changing for me! 

Each day in America there is someone who has been diagnosed with a chronic disease, which is something that will change their life drastically. As a Heath Coach my goal is to assist, guide and mentor my clients back to health. I truly believe that the foods you eat will either help your health or change your health for the worse. 

With the Services I provide, we discuss everything from the foods you love to the foods you hate, to the support you have to the support you don’t have when it comes to your journey. I allow my clients to fully express themselves to the best of their abilities because in that ground breaking moment their reality sets in! 

I provide my clients a natural, sustainable lifestyle by giving them the full knowledge, they need to help themselves to become as healthy as possible. I truly believe that when you incorporate Whole Plant Based Foods in your life, everything in your body shifts, from the way you look at food, to the way you prepare your food, to the way you purchase your food which allows you to develop a healthier relationship with the foods you love! 

As a Health Coach I am here to help you as much as possible, the key to you succeeding is you finding your determination and drive to want better for yourself! It’s possible and it can be done! 

Take the first step and let’s get you on the road to a healthier you! Complete the application below and Let’s Talk!

Coach Yulonda~❤️


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