Discipline!! MANNNNNNNN!!! IT GETS HARD!!!

MANNNNNNNN!!! it get's hard!!!

That's the name of the game. There are so many days that I just feel like throwing in the towel, when I am like this is enough, who cares anyway. I had to stop having that pity party in my head and understand that everything takes time, and I must have patience. This was how I felt over a year ago and trust and believe me some times those thoughts creep right back in. I must keep my head up and know that everything I do I is for a purpose, which is to continue to help myself and other women just like me stay grounded. (MY TRIBE)

When I am out with friends and family or at social gatherings, it is one of the hardest things to do, which is not to fall backwards in my journey. It's amazing when people see me and know I am a Health Coach and that I am on my own journey, It feels like they look for perfection from me. This journey is never going to be perfect, there will be days when I work out and days when I don't, there will be days when I have a cookie and days when I won't. The best part is I'm not PERFECT!!!!!

I never betray to be and I never want my clients to feel like they have to be. I want you to enjoy your journey, to embrace your journey, to get to know you all over again. To love you more than you thought possible. When you slip up, because you definitely will, it is ok, don't beat yourself up about it, your human and it is inevitable, it's going to happen. Remember this Your Journey is a direct reflection of who you are and who you are becoming. It will challenge you in ways you never thought possible and you will have days that you want to give up, Don't you Dare, Never give up on you because your life depends on you. 

I will never give up on me, no matter how hard it gets and that is a Fact!!!

Coach Yulonda!

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Gmail: coachyulonda@gmail.com

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