
Do you know how different your life would be if you kept to the promises that you made yourself? Just for a few minutes, think about how different your life would be if you stayed focus and executed your goals. I remember not too long ago where I would set the goal and just leave it, yup that was me setting goals and talking about how I will do this and do that and in reality I would do nothing at all. 

I started to see my life for what it was, I was a quitter and I lied to myself more often than I wanted to believe. When I started to want more for myself and face the cold hard truth about myself and my actions, that’s when my life started to change for the better. I stopped making excuses and I started holding myself accountable for my actions. You can’t go through life blaming and finding fault in everyone except yourself. 

It’s time for you to take action, to set your goals and execute each goal with time. It’s definitely a hard pill to swallow when you see you for who you are, but guess what?? That doesn’t have to be your end, you can always reinvent yourself for better, for greater. It’s totally up to you to take the first step. Face You head on and stop quitting on You!! Here are a few steps that I use to reinvent myself and execute my plans each day for growth. 

A.Look Yourself in the Mirror and See You for who You are!! Tell Yourself You are not a Quitter! 

B.Write down one goal you would like to accomplish  within the next 3 months

C. Take small steps towards that one goal everyday. 

Example: if you want to drink more water. Add more water to your day,  by drinking a glass when you wake in the morning, having a glass of water with your breakfast, adding a glass of water with your lunch, adding a glass of water with your dinner. If you love soda or juice and you replace your favorite drink with water, look at how many times you have accomplished your one goal in that one day. 

Over time it becomes a milestone for you once you keep with your goal. It’s all about mindset. How you see yourself is how your life plays out your course. Shifting  your mind, your way of thinking is key! Remember it all starts with you!!



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