Stop Dreaming & Start Living

My favorite day has arrived!! 🙌🏽 Sunday’s were created for Reflecting on your life’s work! 

🍳 Breakfast & Finances are always a hit with the hubby😍Credit! Investing! Finances! They are amazing tools 🧰 when it comes to living a  phenomenal life! 

Meal prep this week will be Baked Parmesan Chicken 🍗 Breast with Sauted Kale 🥬 and carrots 🥕 

Today we added in Summertime Talk: Planning for our Spring & Summertime Vacations are always a hit with the boys🏖 You envision it, You see it, You Dream it! You grind your butt off to make it happen! 

My boys are growing up and while they will always be my babies I am going show them the best life ever. You instill it in your children and they will follow your examples. This Summer D.J request Disney World 🌎 and Disney he shall have..let the planning began! 

I remember when I could only see the now, never could I have envisioned seeing my future for myself or for my family. There was a time in my life when I would be working only to pay bills. There had to be more to life than paying bills and sitting 🪑doing nothing with My life. 

There was, when your introduced to a new way of life, a new way of living and seeing that there is way more to life than bills. When my fog 🌫 lifted, I began to have clarity and I was able to see my Life as so much more than the now. I am holding on to my Future Life. It’s going to happen! I believe in me and my Goals, my Aspirations! 

Let no one tell you otherwise! You can! You must! You will! 

You are never stuck! In order to see where you are looking to go, you must be able get out of your own way, get rid of the negative 👎 talk and grind Your hardest to accomplish your goals! Action=Achievements💯

Coach Yulonda❤️

What are you envisioning for your life today? 

#SummerVacation #Planning #Goals #Family


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