The Incredible Avocado Devils Eggs

Have you ever wondered how in the world will I ever like Avocados? Let’s face it not everyone is a fan but I have a great recipe that will help you become a fan in no time. 

My specialty with my family is my famous Incredible Avocado Devils Egg! They became even more of a hit once I added the Avocado to the mix, below is one of my favorite recipes. 

12 Eggs 
Light Mayo


Bring your 12 eggs to a boil, I placed my eggs in a cold bowl of ice water once there done, which helps them to not stick, when peeling. Peel eggs, Slice them in half’s  and in one bowl place all the egg yolks. Slice your Avocado and place the avocado filling In the bowl with the egg yolks, 1/3 cup of light mayo, 1/3 cup of relish 1 tbsp of mustard, sprinkle in pepper and Mrs. Dash. 

Then mix all ingredients together and start to fill in your eggs. At the end of it all you will have your Avocado Devils Eggs. Delicious and Incredible! 

Healthy is enjoyable and it’s simple when you don’t over think the process! Enjoy๐Ÿ˜


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