The Avengers Skills to being more disciplined in your life!
Every time you try to get focused, something happens. When you have set the plan, something happens. When you tell yourself today I got this, something happens. It’s the shiny objects around you that has nothing to do with your goals that keep you from being laser Focused!

Here are 5 tips to implement in your life today that will help you gain momentum, inspiration, motivation and stay laser Focused on the task to have success.
First thing is to stop! Pause for one second and breath. You haven’t taken the time to slow down. Life is moving and everything around you is flying by. Take a minute to reflect on what it is you need to focus more on.
Second, write out the plan, if you need to focus more on taking care of your health, write out the plan, the exercise plan, the food plan, the meditation plan, the breathing plan. Write it out so that it gets done.
Third, think about how you are going to execute your plan. What steps are needed to start the plan? When will you begin the plan and most importantly how determined are you to stick with your plan
Fourth execute your plan. Every morning start your focused routine. No matter what happens around you, you will be focused. No matter who try’s to distract you, you will stay focused. The key is to commit to You! Put you first! Do what’s most necessary for your mental growth & physical health.
Fifth key point to to repeat. Consistency starts when you stay on repeat mode. As the Avenger of your life, everything around you is trying to take you out. Everything that has nothing to do with your goals & plans are trying to keep you stuck. It’s totally up to you to stay laser focused like Tony Stark and protect your house, your mental house, your emotional house, your spiritual house and your physical house. Staying laser focused on your goals is the only way to beat the enemy of procrastination! The question then becomes how bad do you want to survive the attack of procrastination on your life?
#rockdropfitness #theavenger #laserfocused #consistency #plan #focused #coachyulonda
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