Market Run

 I think back to when I would make market runs and ow boy o boy the unhealthy cheap items that I would throw in my cart πŸ›’ would be unbelievable! The funny thing about shopping is the cheap affordable foods are always the cheapest lol πŸ˜‚ so you think! 

I had to learn what to purchase and how to create meals that my family and myself would enjoy. That also would keep us fullest longer. It definitely wasn’t going to be fast food, that had no nutritional value, it had to be foods that were wholesome, delicious and let’s not forget colorful! 

I took to Pinterest, which is one of my favorite sites to find all types of meals that I can prepare quick and easy for my family to enjoy. You can also take a fatty, unhealthy meal and change up some of the ingredients and make that bad boy into something Devine for your family to enjoy. 

It’s a Snowy day here on the East Coast but that doesn’t stop me from keeping my goals in focus and my health on Q! I save more money πŸ’΄ now by prepping and preparing my meals than I did with fly by nights, eating on unexpected terms is definitely not the Business! 

What are your Favorite Grocery Store Staples? 


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