Meal Prep! One & Done ✅

Sunday meal Prep is one & done ✅ I could have just relaxed for the remainder of the day and have came up with so many excuses on why I just don’t feel like it, or I just don’t have time, or better yet I will Prep tomorrow but guess what when tomorrow comes, so does  the next set of excuses! 

I want more for myself, I have set my goals and it doesn’t involve eating on a whim, or just putting crap in my body all because I just don’t feel like it. There will be days when I don’t feel like it and those day are when it truly matter most. 

It is imperative that I stay the course, keep my focus and understand that distractions will always be in my most, heck life is a distraction but I’m come to realize that if it has nothing to do with goals, I must keep my focus! 

Weightloss is definitely mental first and then once that’s under wraps the body will follow in such a awesome way! 

Who’s Prep their meals for the week? 

#Mealprep #DinnerandLunch #OneandDone #DivaDashFitness #mindsetiseverything #weightlossjourney #weightloss #healthy #rockndropfitness #coachyulonda 


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