Procrastination will kill your dreams!

Man as I have gone through my journey, sometimes you just have to take a look πŸ‘€ back as to how far you have come!! My days was hard, my nights were dreadful but as I continued to stay consistent and continued to think about my Goals and what I truly wanted for myself it became habit! 

It has been my life! For me it was more about why??? I would always ask myself Why?? Why can’t I just lose this weight? Why can’t I just eat what I want and not gain weight? Why does my Stomach have to be so Fat? Why did I weight so much? Why can’t I just make it disappear?? 

I had so many Why questions that I was tired of asking myself Why?? I knew that I needed to do something and I wanted to change but how was I going to do this? I thought that my problem was my stomach area. I figured that if I did crunches my stomach would go down. 

What I had to understand was this situation with my weight and stomach was all depending on what I was eating every single day of my life, but it was hard for me to connect the two together, it didn’t register for me right away. 

When I started to research and start to understand my body, that’s when it started to click! See exercise is just a bonus but the relationship that I had with the foods I loved was so unhealthy, and I wondered why I couldn’t lose weight or breathe at night, or why my knees was hurting or my back was hurting! 

My little frame was carrying more weight than it should have been. I would say I’m just big boned lol πŸ˜‚ man that was crazy! Here I am today still treading and fighting this battle everyday, is it easy, heck no but it’s definitely a reward within itself. 

Weightloss isn’t easy because if it was everyone on this planet 🌎 would be a size 6, the reality is it can be done. You can have success, you can get to your goal weight and you don’t have to do it alone! You have to take action, it’s the only way it will happen. 

What I teach women is we  gotta put in work. I give you the tools and you put in the work, especially when no one is looking, when no one is there when you have those late night cravings, especially when no one is there when you want to order out, especially when no one is there when you go to gatherings/ parties etc! 

You have to be accountable to yourself, because what I know for sure is what I offer works, what I provide works, the knowledge I have and the info I give my clients works! I use to fall off the wagon, blame everyone around me why it didn’t work and how it wasn’t me, it was the tools, or they wanted me to do to much, or I’m too busy, or that cost too much but in reality what I was saying is I’m just not ready yet!! 

No one can make you do what you don’t want to do but when you get tired of looking in the mirror and seeing no change, no progress, I encourage to take one step, just one step to trying and putting in your all into yourself and see change happen! 

I am not done with me, I’m so thankful that I am not where I use to be and I’m going to keep striving for my Greatness! 

My next Fit Club will be starting soon, stop procrastinating and make you a promise and set them waistline goals, set them health goals and let’s rock out together! You ready I’m here to help!!

Coach Yulonda ❤️


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