
Showing posts from 2018

What is your Why??

That is the number one question that many are asked when embarking on a weight loss journey. I was asked this question on many occasions and I must say I truly didn't understand what it truly meant, heck I had no idea on what my answer was suppose to be. I thought that there was a particular answer to the question. In reality my reality, there was no right answer and there was no wrong answer. My why had to resonate with me, it was something that had to touch my soul, something that I knew when things got hard in my journey, it would be the one thing that would get me back into focus, the one thing that matters the most to me. When I really and I mean really took a look into my Why, it all boiled down to me. I was the reason behind it all. I was the quitter, the complainer, the doubter, I was the true reason behind my why. I broke free from the negative talk to myself, the self doubt, the body shaming, I took full responsibility for where I was in my journey and why I was there...

Change Starts with You!

I woke this morning with a lot on my heart, my subject at hand was about Change, we all use this word in our daily living, such as in the work arena, in conversations with loved ones, with our children, you  name it, I know you have used this word before. For me I needed, I wanted to change because there was so much about me that I knew I was capable of doing but could't find the strength to obtain within myself. Which I know for a fact it was the self doubt and fear that was stopping me from moving forward in my life. I was allowing all the negative things to consume my thinking. I stopped believing in me and I stopped doing the things that matter most to me. I had to get me back. I had to take the proper steps to start a shift and to change for the better. I no longer would allow fear and doubt to dictate my life nor my path. I did something about it. Which took more effort than I knew I had within me to accomplish what I was trying my hardest to avoid. That old saying when y...

Sweet Treats Are Necessary!

So your on your journey, you have been giving it your all, you are doing things that you have never ever done before, you are meal prepping, you are getting your workouts in, you are committed and you are definitely on fire. You are so good at what you do that you know for a fact that you have this thing down packed and there is nothing and no one that can deviate you from your path. Until the inevitable happen, you go out with your friends and all of a sudden, you guys are ordering desert, well, let's just say they order desert and you have decided not to eat what they have order, you have decided that you are going to go home and create you a nice desert that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, without adding any guilt. You create you the Ultimate  Banana  🍌  Chocolate Chip Oat Cookie!! Which takes you only 20 minutes. 10 minutes to mix all the ingredients together and 10 minutes to bake. You are so proud of yourself because not only did you not give into temptation...

This Is Your Fight!

I couldn't believe how I was feeling towards the end of last month, now how I was feeling didn't just happen. over time, my body gave me signs that it was not happy with the way I had been treating it. However you know how the story goes, I choose to ignore the signs, and keep right on doing what I wanted to do. Well my body said enough was enough. Let me tell you how it all started. As you know I have been eating my greens, creating these colorful meals and trying my best to stay with my healthy habits, well I can truly say, that I did my best, I ate in abundance of fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, smoothies, now that was the great part, however. I had allowed old habits to kick back in especially when I started to get stressed. When I get stressed all I want to do is binge eat any and everything especially if its sweet, chocolate is my downfall and I am one to tell you, chocolate is like my secret lover lol. I would eat the chocolate and in that moment I would be happy...
It felt so good putting together this meal for my family. I havn’t had this feeling of feel good in a long time. This is one of my hearty healthy meals that will make you just say ummm,, the sweet yummy veggies that are in this is too much for one to handle lol Let’s get right into this delectable recipe. 1 Box of Whole Wheat Lasagna Noodles Broccoli Mushrooms Onions Carrots Garlic And to top it off my Homemade Tomato Sauce, with real tomatoes..Yummy for your tummy!!! Directions: Boil lasagna noodles for about 8 to 19 minutes  Then chop all your veggies to your desired size Then lets get to laying a lasagna dish or dish of your choice. First lay down about 3 lasagna noodles. Then layers that with veggies to cover the noodles, then tomatoe sauce. You will repeat this step until you have no more veggies or noodles or sauce to layer with.  You can season with your choice of seasonings. I do season my lasagna with Garlic ...

Discipline!! MANNNNNNNN!!! IT GETS HARD!!!

MANNNNNNNN!!! it get's hard!!! That's the name of the game. There are so many days that I just feel like throwing in the towel, when I am like this is enough, who cares anyway. I had to stop having that pity party in my head and understand that everything takes time, and I must have patience. This was how I felt over a year ago and trust and believe me some times those thoughts creep right back in. I must keep my head up and know that everything I do I is for a purpose, which is to continue to help myself and other women just like me stay grounded. (MY TRIBE) When I am out with friends and family or at social gatherings, it is one of the hardest things to do, which is not to fall backwards in my journey. It's amazing when people see me and know I am a Health Coach and that I am on my own journey, It feels like they look for perfection from me. This journey is never going to be perfect, there will be days when I work out and days when I don't, there will be days when...

Natural PainKillers

I love speaking from my heart, giving insight to my world. Natural Painkillers are a must, what’s the norm for aches & pains?? Over the counter medications, it truly doesn’t have to be that way, but in order for things to change, you must change you habits!! I truly couldn’t Understand why my back would ache and why my legs would hurt or why my stomach would be upset and let’s not even talk about the headaches..OMG!! I had to ask myself, why would I be getting this type of pain especially because I’m so young. As I began to study my body and take a deeper look at the foods I was consuming, which at the time was greasy, fatty, unhealthy foods that had no nutrients in them whatsoever.  That’s when I had to change up my thinking and change my habits. I had the desire to live more than I wanted to keep my same habits up. I took action and so can you!! Check out my natural painkillers video at your gonna love this ❤️

Recipe: Sauteed Salmon Salad!

I absolutely Love creating different recipes, especially when they are quick, simple and easy. Here is one of my favorite Salmon Salad recipes that are my go too. When I have Salmon you can bet its always going to be paired with a delicious healthy base such as this delectable kale and let's not forget a colorful plate speaks volume.                                                Recipe: Sauteed Salmon Salad 5 ounce Fillet of Salmon                                                2 Cups of Kale 1/2 Cup of Grape Tomatoes 1/2 Cup of Cucumber peeled Directions:     1/4 cup of water in saucepan, place fillet of salmon in saucepan and let saute on each side for 8 minutes each. I love to season my Salmon with a pinch of Garlic & ...

It all Comes Down to Self Love

When I first created Rock N Drop Fitness I had no idea what I truly wanted to do with my platform. I did however know that I needed to take care of myself, and so I did, not truly understanding the concept of what that truly entailed at the time. I can honestly say that I thought that taking care of me meant exercising and eating a salad  🥗  here and there 🤔 I truly never understood the process that came along with that territory but as the years went on and I started to change  the way I looked at myself. I started to have a better appreciation for my life and my journey. In order to see change in any form of your life, it starts with you. I’m not talking about just what you eat or just how long you exercise, I’m talking about every aspect of your life. Your Personal Life! Your Relationships and not just in intimate relationships I’m speaking of the people who are in your circle day in and day out, the people you hang with on a daily basis. Your Career! Your Sp...

Develop Your Mind!

When I first started on my journey, I can honestly say I was a complete mess, a total disaster. I knew that if I wanted my journey to be sustainable, first I had to stop comparing myself to others and I need to find the path that was for me. obtaining a healthy lifestyle was the easy part, but staying in demand with my new found lifestyle was harder than I had imagine. I would fall off the wagon and then hop right back on, or I would sabotage my process by eating things that lead me to where I was trying to escape from, which was my truth. This whole weight loss thing was starting to be a pain in my behind because I needed to face my truth on a daily basis. There was no hiding from my reality and I had to find he courage to take me from that dreadful place. I started to develop my mind. You know how the saying goes the body will go where the mind takes it. I started to schedule my life, everything that dealt with food lol I mean if I kept eating all sorts of wrong and not seeing re...

You Do Matter!!

I am getting back to being myself and it truly feels a amazing, what I have learned about myself over the last few weeks is that I can not possibly pour everything that I am into everyone else without fueling myself back up or as some would say pour into my own cup. I had to understand that my body and mind will shut down, which would become a mental draining job. As much as I want to help those in need, it is impossible for me to give my all without first making me a priority in this thing called life. I am so thankful for my support system and my firm foundation to be able to know that it is not selfish at all when you start to take care of you, it is not selfish at all to make you a priority because what I know for a fact if you don’t, you will start to fail back and it will be harder than ever to come out of that rut you placed yourself in. Taking care of you helps you to be able to help those who depend on you, those that need you and those that can’t possibly make it withou you...

Your Health Matters!

As I think about my health and how far I have come it truly amazes me as to how I have stayed grounded on my journey. Deciding to develop a healthier relationship with the foods I love has been life changing for me!  Each day in America there is someone who has been diagnosed with a chronic disease, which is something that will change their life drastically. As a Heath Coach my goal is to assist, guide and mentor my clients back to health. I truly believe that the foods you eat will either help your health or change your health for the worse.  With the Services I provide, we discuss everything from the foods you love to the foods you hate, to the support you have to the support you don’t have when it comes to your journey. I allow my clients to fully express themselves to the best of their abilities because in that ground breaking moment their reality sets in!  I provide my clients a natural, sustainable lifestyle by giving them the full knowledge, they need to help thems...
Everyday I strive to better than I was yesterday. It's not about perfection, however its about holding myself accountable to who I truly am. If all I do everyday is sit around and get nothing accomplish, then my life will reflect me doing nothing, no goals, no ambitions, no nothing, however if I show up for myself everyday and make the impossible possible and strive to be the best that I am capable of being then there is a possibility that I will accomplish my Dreams. I wake up everyday with my goals at hand and the task of what is needed for me to complete everyday. It's the tedious things that annoy us the most that we know we have to do. If you find goal setting difficult and staying on task challenging then you must find a way that works best for you to complete what you know needs to be done. For me I notice that when I write things down and see them in view and refer back to the task I have written, then I am more likely to complete them and stick with them. I know as...

Tug of War

For the last 6 months I have been having a tug of war within myself. It all started when my workouts started to become a chore. I never wanted to feel like working out or should I say exercise was no longer enjoyable for me but as I faced my reality each and everyday it started to wear on my heart heavily.  I started to think about body image, and I needed to do these many reps per day and I needed to do this much cardio a day and I needed to push harder and harder with each workout. My workouts were beginning to take a tole on me mentally and my body image was all I could think about. As these feelings became stronger and stronger I had a heart to heart with my husband who advise me to take a break from working out 🏋️‍♀️ and do something that was fun and exciting, something that was enjoyable to me, so I did what any woman would do I planned a nice getaway for the hubby and I.  I got to clear my mind, clear my thoughts and revamped my outlook on my health & Fitne...

Trying New Things!

Lately I have decided to step out of my confort zone andplay around with foods that I normally woulnt put together. I have been going to the Amish Market lately and have been loving their foods, especially their vegetables, They are so bright, colorful and vibrant! I decided to pick up a few things from their Market. Market List included" Quinoa Garlic & Herbs Seasoning Hot Chocolate Cinnamon Sticks Bell Peppers Romaine Lettuce Collard Greens Kale Greens Sunflower Honey Buckwheat Honey Strawberries Marsh Mellows Now Normally I would purchase these items from my local Grocery Store or Walmart, So you can imagine the look on my face when I purchased these items from the Amish Market. I was so excited. The Colors and Textures were everything and it truly held up to it's standards. I am totally in love with the Amish Market and I will be shopping there more than ever! Tonight I decided to make Stuffed Quinoa Bell Peppers!! OMG!!! Deliciousness at it...
Giving you a Chance to Live Your Life to the Fullest! When I first started my Journey I didn't believe in me. I couldn't see past my failures. I made sure that I made up every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't succeed in this weight loss game, because see in my mind it was a game, I did not take my health serious and I sure wasn't worried about living another day. You know the saying if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it! I never tried to fix it, I thought that my life was going to be the way it was going to be and I truly believed that if I was fat that just the way it was suppose to be.No exceptions!! I didn't have the understanding that the foods I was putting in my body was the culprit as to why I was not shedding the weight, so I thought. Once I started to dig fully into my life. I came to the realization that I had an unhealthy relationship with all foods, I kept negative people in my circle and Al i Surrounded myself was things and peop...
Today is the start of a new beginning that I am so excited to embrace. I remember just over 8 years ago, there was no way you could have told me nor convinced me that I would be CEO of my own Health & Fitness Business known as Rock N Drop Fitness. I could have never told myself that my Dreams would be my reality. In life we have choices and sometimes the choices we make can make our lives out to be great or sometimes it can make our lives a little miserable, in hopes to finding something that would bring joy to us. In my 40 years on this earth I have made a lot of bad decisions that have helped shape me into the woman I am today. I look at my life as a lesson of many seasons and I am so grateful and thankful for the experiences along the way. I say all this to tell you that even though you may be going through a rough patch, or you may not see the light in your tunnel, just remember this, that your season will not be deem for long and your light will shine brighter than ever. Kno...

Following Your Heart ❤️

It’s truly Surreal! I can’t believe it is happening. I followed my heart ❤️ and am embarking on one of the most fulfilling journeys of my life. When you feel it in your gut, feel it in your soul, feel it in your heart, your need to go for what your heart desires you to do. When we don’t follow what we truly feel we are not giving ourselves our best, walk in your greatness and fulfill your life’s Destiny!  I felt in my heart that I wasn’t focusing in on my greatness which allows me to work from my heart. I needed to change my career path and I did with no regrets at all. I truly love helping woman achieve their greatness when it comes to their health. I am so excited about my new career path, that sometime I have to pinch myself to see if it’s truly real, but it is lol.  Don’t allow the Nay sayers and the Negative Nancy to stop you from accomplishing your dreams, your dreams are real and you have to believe in yourself. Know that what you want and what you feel are real and let...

This Is Your Journey!

When you express to someone that you are on your health & fitness journey for you, to better yourself, 9 times out of 10 they may congratulate or they may ask you questions or they may just say nothing. It’s great to have friends or family approval, however your journey is solely about getting you on track.  Your journey will give you the foundation to grow from, it will help you to become a stronger you, it will help you to become a fighter, a fighter for your life. You will mentally prepare yourself for this journey. You will strive for your greatness. Your Health & Fitness is a mental journey first. It will take dedication, determination, willingness, eagerness, drive and pure heart! You are not a quitter, you will survive and achieve your greatness!  When I first started my journey I truly was all over the place, there are so many different avenues one can take when they are bettering themselves. What I know for a fact is you have to do what works best  for yo...

Superfoods Shake

Do you sometimes feel bloated? Your stomach looks like you could be pregnant but you know for a fact that you are not! Well that’s how I use to feel before I started to research why I would feel and look that way. One thing that stood out is that I must start taking better care of my body, which has helped me learn to eat more earth grown foods than processed boxed foods.One of my Favorite Superfoods that I love sharing and telling other woman about is Chia Seed!!!  Chia Seeds are a powerful source of  omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium.  When I started to add one of my Favorite Superfoods to my Shakeo in the mornings it started to make all the difference when it came to my stomach bloat. I soak 1 teaspoon of Chia Seeds for about 30 minutes in a 1/2 cup of water while I work out, once I have completed my workout I make my Superfoods Shake which is as follows:  1 Packet of Chocolate Shakeo  1 Teaspoon o...

Chipotle Black Bean Burger Salad..Deliciousness on a Plate!

Everyday will not be perfect, and there are days that I do not feel like eating healthy or giving my body the nutrients it needs to produce the results I love. Guess what!! Thats when my Why always comes into play, I could eat something that is so good that I would forget about what it is I am suppose to be doing, which to give my body what it needs to survive. Not to mention my Boys are watching everything I do, I can't tell them to eat healthy and I not show up, especially when days like this one rolls around. When we think our children aren't watching, trust me they really are! Tonight was one of those nights, I had a lot of things already on my plate, From checking my Business to make sure things are going accordingly to having our weekly Family Discussion, to giving pep talks, paying bills, returning calls, etc.. It was a lot going on in my household, needless to say that I didn't actually get to sit down and eat until 10:30pm, which was way pass our normal dinner ti...

Delicious Meal Your Family Will Love

Last night while my family and I were out, it was getting late in the day and of course my boys, kept saying they were hungry. Now for any mom when your child expresses hunger we want to make that thought go away by providing them something to eat, something that will satisfy there hunger, something that will make them happy! Now in previous times we would have opted for fast food, such as carry out, McDonald’s, Burger King or something that just wasn’t going to be healthy or add and nutritional value to them. I took a stand and I informed them that I was going to feed them something way better than fast food and something that was going to be satisfying, did they believe me? Of course because I always try my best to give them something nutritional, healthy and that will keep them satisfied for a couple of hours, because we all know that fast food is empty calories and it runs right though you lol I made a Simple Healthy Veggie Penne Dish that they absolutely loved and it serve...